
Library Rules


  1.      The college library has a rich collection of books under different categories.

2.         The total no. Of Text books -     , Total no. Of Reference books -      , Total no. of General books -     , total no. of books purchased under UGC           grants –

3.          The college library has a species reading room.

4.          And  until it has been properly entered in the Loan Register and the entry attested by the borrowers. The entry will be marked in the library card      at the time of issue and return.

5.          In those cases in which the price of the lost books cannot be ascertained, she should pay as compensation an amount fixed by the Principal.

6.           Anybody in possession of library books shall return it to the library whenever she receives a requisition notice for the return of the book from            the library.

7.        The librarian will report to the Principal the names of persons responsible for improper use of the library books.

8.          The librarian has orders to see that the strict observance of the rules of silence is maintained and report any wilful breach to the Principal.

9.        Members of the staff are also expected to use their influence to promote the observance of this rule whenever they are in the library and to        report to the Principal the cases of deliberate disobedience and misbehaviour. Talking (except that which is absolutely necessary for the    transaction of library business) is forbidden in the library.

10.      A person who takes books from the library is supposed to abide by the rules. Ignorance of the library rules will be no excuse for their breach.

11.      Before entering the library, the members would sign in the register placed at the entrance, and show membership card along with the identity card.

12.     Any other articles such as bags, brief cases, personal books, umbrella, radio sets and mobile phones should not be brought into the Library premises.

13.       The library premises should not be used for any purpose other than reading or consulting books and periodicals of the library.

14.      Spitting, smoking, shouting and sleeping inside the library are strictly forbidden.

15.      For use in the Reading Room ordinarily one book or journal may be issued to every student on a call slip at a time. The librarian may issue more than one book if she thinks it is necessary. All such books and journals must be returned to the librarian 15 minutes before the college closes for the day.